NOVOSPILL is a 100% natural mixture of bacterial cultures that can be used in even the most sensitive ecosystems.
These bacteria rapidly break down hydrocarbons, which is then converted into biomass, eventually settling down as a biological mud.
This process is fast, cost-effective and in most cases enables the re-use of the treated soil, while providing adequate protection for human health and the environment.
The biggest advantage of NOVOSPILL is that it can be used in-situation to treat TPH contamination of soil,
freshwater and sea-water, making it the most cost-effective and intelligent way of dealing with
contamination. Immediately after application, NOVOSPILL starts attacking the TPH molecules and
converts the hydrocarbons into humus (organic components of soil), leaving behind a nutrient rich
soil that can support animal and plant life.
It can be successfully applied in the following fields:
• Pit closures • Pipeline and flow line leaks • Well head and tank leaks • Tank cleaning
• Compressor stations • Surface hydrocarbon spills
NOVOSPILL is certified in numerous countries:
USA, Saudi-Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan, New Zealand and the EU.
The biggest advantage of NOVOSPILL is that it can be used in-situation to treat TPH contamination of soil,
freshwater and sea-water, making it the most cost-effective and intelligent way of dealing with
contamination. Immediately after application, NOVOSPILL starts attacking the TPH molecules and
converts the hydrocarbons into humus (organic components of soil), leaving behind a nutrient rich
soil that can support animal and plant life.
It can be successfully applied in the following fields:
• Pit closures • Pipeline and flow line leaks • Well head and tank leaks • Tank cleaning
• Compressor stations • Surface hydrocarbon spills
NOVOSPILL is certified in numerous countries:
USA, Saudi-Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan, New Zealand and the EU.
Total Petroleum Hycrocarbons (TPH), such as oils, grease and fuels, are the most serious form of pollution
that requires bioremediation. Usually, THP compounds react differently in the environment according
to the size and structure of the molecules. In many cases the nature of the pollution is extremely
complex and treatment needs to be considered on a case-specific basis. Once the nature and extent
if contamination has been determined, the standardized method of treatment is to excavate the
contaminated soil and treat it o -site. O -site treatment usually involves treatment with
harsh chemical compounds and often incineration, that leaves the soil infertile. NOVOSPILL can be
used on-site (in situation) without degrading the fertility of the soil.
Dilute NOVOSPELL at 1:20 in water (1 kg NOVOSPILL per 20L water). Apply 1L of the mixture to every
square meter of contaminated soil (50 g per square meter). If contamination deeper than 30 cm, till up
and expose before applying NOVOSPILL treatment. Generally, after 30 days the TPH levels are
reduced by between 60% and 95%
For optimal treatment:
In the event of excessive contamination, the dosage can be increased to 150g per square meter. Ensure
that the treated soil doesn’t run dry. Bacterial activity is related to temperature: warm (BUT NOT HOT)
conditions will enhance microbial activity
Treating water contamination:
Dilute NOVOSPILL at 1:20 in water (1 kg NOVOSPILL per 20L water). Apply 1L of the mixture every
square meter of contaminated water surface (5g per square meter). The pollutant hydrocarbons will
stick to the NOVOSPILL and prevent the TPH being washed away. Generally, after 30 days the TPH
levels are reduced by between 60% and 95%
For optimal treatment:
In the event of excessive contamination, the dosage can be increased to 150g per square meter
Bacterial activity is related to temperature: warm (BUT NOT HOT) conditions will enhance microbial activity.
Store in dry area at a temperature between 5°C and 45°C
without major daily uctuations. In the event that
there is swelling of the container, loosen the lid
and allow the gas to escape
Shake before use. Product not flammable.
In the event of spillage, absorb with inert materials
and dispose according to local regulations.
Organic Carbons Blend – 40%
Organic Nitrogen (N) – 03%
Potassium (K2O) – 04%
Organic Carbon (C) – 10%
Organic Matter – 31%
Water – 12%
- 500g
- 1 kg
- 5 kg
- 25 kg